Hrithik Roshan has managed to strike gold at the box-office, every time he worked on a film directed by his father, Rakesh Roshan. Starting with his debut film, Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai (2000) until his last release Krrish 3 (2013), the father son duo has an unmatched track record. But Hrithik says that working with his father isn’t always a cakewalk.
“Though I have worked with my dad a lot of times, I am comfortable with every director. A director and actor need to share a high level of trust. Also, my relationship with any other film-maker could be fragile so I compensate by being humble and understanding. On other people’s set, I am an actor and my work ends there but with dad, I know that there will be absolute transparency and that he won’t be able to hide anything from me,” says the Kaabil actor.
He says his father’s astute sense of business is what works for the duo’s collaborations. “My father is a great businessman so he will never allow anyone to over-indulge. When I am working with him, I am assured that the economics will never go wrong because he is very concerned as far as money and investments go,” Hrithik says.
In the same breath he adds that working with his father, also comes with its own set of disadvantages. “I can’t afford to take my own sweet time to get ready for a shot. Dad is very particular about deadlines so we are always working to finishing a project on time and can’t be laidback. On other people’s sets, I am the star. Here, I am just another person on the set.”
While Hrithik is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses as an actor, he says that he has never been jealous of another actor’s talents. “I recently saw Ae Dil Hai Mushkil and I absolutely loved Ranbir (Kapoor) and Anushka (Sharma). But I never felt like I could’ve done a role better. That thought never crosses my mind. I don’t get jealous of another actor’s success,” Hrithik says.