Well-known Telugu actor Vishnu Manchu, in a multicultural collaboration between Hollywood and Tollywood, is all set to make a film on the call centre scam that happened in October 2016 in Hyderabad. The project will be bankrolled by the actor’s home banner and the plan is to make the film in English first and based on the response it will be decided whether it can be made in Hindi and Telugu or not.
The scam unearthed nine call centres and the police arrested 71 employees. According to reports, these companies extorted hundreds of crores from US nationals in the name of their tax and immigration authorities. Vishnu said that he found the whole event fascination. A team of writers are already working on the pre-production process in Mumbai. The project will go on the floors from June and it will be extensively shot in Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey and Mumbai.
Even though he didn’t comment on the cast yet, Vishnu said that a few popular Indian actors will also be part of the project. They’re hopeful of finalising the case and crew by May.