Production designer Rupin Suchak says Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu has done incredible stunts in action-thriller Spyder, which is being directed by ace filmmaker AR Murugadoss as a Tamil-Telugu bilingual. “Mahesh has done some fabulous stunts which we never thought an actor could do. But, Mahesh did it all by himself without any body double. We were all quite stunned,” Rupin said.
“This man has taken it to another league. There’s a particular sequence where even the stunt doubles were scared of doing it. But Mahesh just went ahead and delivered it.”
Rupin, who has worked on films such as R Balki’s Ki & Ka and Gauri Shinde’s Dear Zindagi, says Murugadoss has given him all the liberty to go ahead and do what he wishes to do. “Murugadoss sir wanted something remarkably stylish. A complete urban look. He has given me all the liberty to do my work. I’ve focussed on stylizing the production design to what he expects,” says Rupin.
While 50% of Spyder has been shot at real locations, the remaining portion is being filmed on sets. “Even on live locations, we have created sets. Spyder has an elegant texture. The story has a lot of relevance to different places. We constructed two important sets in EVP Studios, Chennai, which was quite challenging. “Murugadoss sir has given a solid story this time. There will be a fine balance of Indian and international elements.”
Produced by NVR Cinema, Spyder features Rakul Preet opposite Mahesh Babu. Also starring Tamil actor-director SJ Suryah as the antagonist, the movie marks veteran lensman Santhosh Sivan’s first Telugu film. Harris Jayaraj has composed the music for the project.
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